daddy blogs too

WIN a wordpress website design and FREE year of hosting

July 9, 2010

I’m doing a a giveaway with meta1313!!  To enter for a chance to win a free website design by Japster, Inc and a free years worth of hosting from Twenty70Hosting visit the link below! That gets a little tougher to do without supplementing Shawn Thornton 22 and Gregory Campbell 11 of the Boston Bruins […]

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Duck Tour video: made on iPhone 4

July 1, 2010

i’m on a short bloggin hiatus lately, just really busy with other things. short summary is this: -vacation to Boston (video below) -hiked upper part of AT in Maine to Katahdin Mt. (wicked good time) -working on posts for tech gadgets reviews for local company -doing some blog designs -Ry was found by LCW sitting […]

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vlog…late as normal

June 13, 2010

here’s the vlog i promised over a week and a half ago now. yeah i’m late so what, you’ll still watch it. warning, no nudity in this video: UPDATE: changed from private to public…my fault… That work was cut short in August 2013, when she was kidnapped while working at a hospital in AleppoSome industries […]

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New photos…vlog soon..

June 3, 2010

So instead of a long boring post this week, I spent last night uploading/updating our photos section instead of blogging. Searching through thousands of photos to find just the right ones for you guys to peep. So check out the updated 6 month, new 7 month and so far 8 month in our photo’s section. […]

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Lookin’ old daddy

May 27, 2010

So last weekend we went on vacation here: pretty sweet place and I’m sure there’s another captiva island trip in our future, especially since it’s only about a few hrs drive. on saturday as we’re sitting by the pool (after watching six dolphins swim within a few feet of us in the ocean) on […]

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T minus 20 minutes and counting…

May 20, 2010

it seems you can’t catch a break with babies and traveling. at least with longer travels or especially car rides. they’re going to get tired/irritated that you’ve yanked them from their comfort zone and certainly aren’t shy about telling you (and everyone around you) about it. Case and point with our trip to watch the […]

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Parenting\husband-land; lessons learned…

May 13, 2010

I’m late, i’m late…words I don’t want to hear from anyone but me right now. So why am I late putting up this post AND last weeks post? Well, I’d like to blame it on RaisingMadison asking me too many questions on twitter (she’s an easy target b/c we’re friends and she’s great sport), the […]

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the ups and downs

May 6, 2010

Lately I feel like i’m fallin out of touch with the young whipper snappers. I’m constantly referencing old movies (tron, short circuit, flight of the navigator, etc.) and becoming that old rambling man, “back in my day…” type. My own wife doesn’t know what i’m talking about half the time…or has just learned to ignore […]

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dads blog…and it’s not gay

April 29, 2010

i’ve secretly been following several other dad blogs. why secretly? well b/c the whole idea seems a little g-a-y. i mean it’s not like we’re drinking a beer and playing golf together. i’m reading some other guys thoughts about his life, family, relationship, and baby mishaps. it hit me though…these guys are real and probably […]

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Have you ever seen a grown man naked?

April 22, 2010

(i realize i pre-date some much of our audience using that title name. so go see Airplane! the movie to get it). i could never appreciate how amazing it is to watch children grow…but when it’s your own and happens dead in front of you, it’s awesome. ry’s interaction has tripled in the last month. […]

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